
熱門搜索:PM2.5顆粒物標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品,SRM 1648a城市顆粒物,SRM 1649B城市灰塵,SRM 2786大氣顆粒物,美國NIST標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品
技術(shù)文章 / article 您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > ERM-DA470k_IFCC 人的血清ERM標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì)

ERM-DA470k_IFCC 人的血清ERM標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物質(zhì)

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-07  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 340次

ERM-DA470k_IFCC 人的血清(蛋白質(zhì)類)

英文名稱:HUMAN SERUM (proteins)


SAFETY INFORMATION  Avoid swallowing as well as contact with skin. Do not discharge the waste into the drain.  Each portion of donated blood used in the production of the material has been tested for the presence of  HBs antigen, HCV, HIV1/HIV2, and HTLV1 antibodies and found to be negative. However, the product must  be handled with adequate care as any material of human origin. It is intended for “in vitro" analysis only.  

INTENDED USE AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE  The material is primarily intended to be used for the calibration of immunoassay-based in-vitro diagnostic  devices or control products for the proteins certified. As for any calibrator it should be verified that it is  commutable. The material is produced in a similar manner as ERM-DA470, the use of which has led to a  significant reduction in the between-method and between-laboratory variation for the proteins certified  (S.R. Goodall. Ann. Clin. Biochem. 34 (1997) 582-587; T.B. Ledue and A.M.  Clin. Chem. Lab. Med.  39 (2001) 1129-1233). ERM-DA470k_IFCC It was verified during the value assignment procedure that there were no significant  matrix effects, and that different methods produced consistent results. However, when the material is used  as a calibrator, the commutability should be verified for the particular assay concerned.  

ERM-DA470k_IFCC 人類血清(蛋白質(zhì))標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品主要用于基于免疫分析的體外診斷設(shè)備或被認(rèn)證蛋白的對(duì)照產(chǎn)品的校準(zhǔn)。對(duì)于任何校準(zhǔn)器,都應(yīng)驗(yàn)證它是可交換的。該材料的生產(chǎn)方式與ERM-DA470類似,使用該方法顯著減少了被認(rèn)證的蛋白質(zhì)的方法之間和實(shí)驗(yàn)室之間的變異(S.R.。古多爾住所名稱安Clin。生物化學(xué)技術(shù)。34(1997)582-587;T.B.Ledue和A.M. .遜說?;瘜W(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)室醫(yī)學(xué)39 (2001) 1129-1233).在值分配過程中驗(yàn)證了沒有顯著的矩陣效應(yīng),并且不同的方法產(chǎn)生了一致的結(jié)果。然而,當(dāng)材料被用作校準(zhǔn)器時(shí),應(yīng)驗(yàn)證有關(guān)的特定分析的可交換性。ERM-DA470k_IFCC小瓶的整個(gè)內(nèi)容必須重組。

東莞市百順生物科技有限公司是BCR/IRMM/ERM的代理商,專業(yè)代理 ERM-DA470k_IFCC 人的血清標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品。

一、本公司僅提供ERM標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品代理采購業(yè)務(wù)。  二、本公司承諾所采購產(chǎn)品來自ERM。  三、本公司保證全程采用ERM要求的運(yùn)輸條件進(jìn)行產(chǎn)品運(yùn)輸。  四、本公司對(duì)所委托進(jìn)口的ERM標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品不做任何擔(dān)保,如遇質(zhì)量問題,本公司可協(xié)助客戶與ERM進(jìn)行協(xié)商處理售后問題。


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