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SRM 927f 血清總蛋白臨床分析

發(fā)布時間: 2023-12-06  點擊次數(shù): 295次

NIST SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白(總蛋白)標準參考物質(zhì)

英文名稱:Bovine Serum Albumin (7 % Solution) (Total Protein Standard)


Storage: SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白 is supplied to the user in sealed ampoules. The SRM should be stored in a refrigerator at atemperature between 2 °C and 8 °C. The ampoules should not be frozen because of possible breakage of ampoulesduring the thawing process

.Instructions for Use: Once an ampoule is opened, the solution should be used promptly. Any unused solution inopened ampoules should be discarded.

Preparation of Dilutions: Protein solutions of lower concentration may be prepared by transferring the appropriatealiquot to a volumetric flask and diluting to volume. Diluents are not furnished with the SRM; an aqueoussodium chloride diluent, such as a solution having a concentration of 0.15 mol/L, may be used. Caution should betaken when performing dilutions greater than 100-fold due to the potential for protein loss (possibly due to proteinabsorption on laboratory equipment).

Inappropriate Uses: SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白 is not intended to be used as a standard for dye-binding tests as the dye-bindingcharacteristics of BSA will likely be dissimilar to other proteins being assayed. Additionally, this SRM is not intendedfor checking pre-calibrated refractometers, for immunochemical methods, or as an additive for bilirubinstandardization.

SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白 準參考物質(zhì) 主要用于血清總蛋白臨床分析程序的標準化、這些程序中使用的日常工作標準的嚴格評估,以及作為通過比色法測定總蛋白的參考標準方法。NIST SRM 927f 是一種已知蛋白質(zhì)濃度和純度的溶液(質(zhì)量分數(shù)約為 7%)。

SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白的總蛋白質(zhì)含量是使用雙縮脲參考方法 [1] 測定的,該方法推薦用于標準化實驗室制備的蛋白質(zhì)溶液和“正常"血清庫。然后可以使用這種標準化的“正常"血清來校準折光儀或其他用于血清蛋白質(zhì)估計的儀器。 SRM 927f 也可用于其他程序,例如凝膠擴散、氨基酸分析、電泳、氮測定或其他需要充分表征的蛋白質(zhì)進行校準或評估的測試。

SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白 由 10 個安瓿組成,每個安瓿包含大約 2.2 毫升的溶液。牛血清白蛋白 (BSA) 濃度的測量使用兩種獨立的方法進行,包括氨基酸分析和雙縮脲法。兩種方法的結(jié)果報告如下:1) 通過氨基酸分析確定的 BSA 濃度和 2) 通過雙縮脲法確定的 BSA 參考濃度。

東莞市百順生物科技有限公司是NIST的代理商,專業(yè)代理NIST   SRM 927f  牛血清白蛋白標準品。




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